Banking, Financial Services & Insurance

Know how CSS Corp infuses intelligence into your business processes through AI, analytics and automation.

BFSI Industry: 35% Rise in Customer
Conversion with New-Age Digital Services

CSS Corp enables the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance companies to outclass the competition and win in the face of unprecedented challenges with new regulatory initiatives, technology advancements in payment and credit management and changes in customer behavior and demographics.

These changes are disrupting the financial services marketplace and more than ever the financial organizations need to be updated to give a delightful, safe and secure customer experience. Many large financial institutions are in the early stages of transforming themselves into more agile, digital-age companies. Under increased competitive technology pressure the BFSI industries are identifying ways to leverage technology to improve customer service, increase efficiency, simplify structures and operations, and make better use of their data in infrastructure monitoring services for BFSI.

CSS Corp delivers a range of solutions from owning your strategic IT initiatives to supporting your critical infrastructure to managing your customer data to pull insights that would help you deliver unprecedented customer experience. Our new-age digital services ensure that your customer stays loyal to your brand and help you significantly improve your new customer conversion rates and infrastructure monitoring services for BFSI services (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance).

Our Solutions

Mobility Solutions

CSS Corp’s proprietary SMARTWeb tool creates

Infrastructure Monitoring Services

We simplify IT Operations for complex IT environments

Tech Support

Our multi lingual, multi-channel, global technical support

Cyber Security services

Our well-structured and simplified security programs

Success Stories

A leading Global Bank with presence in various banking verticals enhanced user-experience during and after application upgrade.

  • Improvised the existing load pattern equivalent to production load pattern
  • Simulated 11 business critical transactions using LoadRunner Citrix protocol

Improved application performance for a leading British multinational Banking and Financial Services company.

  • 100+ benchmarking and fine-tuning projects
  • 2x Faster time to market



Unlocking the power of Customer eXperience. See how we do it

White Paper

50 Bn connected devices globally! We’ve cracked IoT support


Busted – 5 disturbing trends and myths in digital testing

Case Study

Read how 80% retail specific cyber-attacks were thwarted


Soar into the cloud with 40% reduction in TCO

Point Of view

How to improve productivity of your support agents by 90%

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