Division of Marine Fisheries reschedules training sessions for the Observer Trip Scheduling System that were cancelled due to inclement weather

The Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Marine Fisheries has rescheduled three Observer Trip Scheduling System (OTSS) training sessions that were cancelled due to inclement weather.
Morehead City
Jan 23, 2025

The Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Marine Fisheries has rescheduled three Observer Trip Scheduling System (OTSS) training sessions that were cancelled due to inclement weather.

Including two meetings that were not cancelled, the training sessions are now scheduled for:

Presentations from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

January 28

January 30

NCDMF Pamlico District Office
943 Washington Square Mall
Hwy 17, Washington
Cape Fear Community College
411 North Front Street

February 4

February 5

February 6

Hatteras Civic Center
56658 NC-12
Dare County Admin. Building
954 Marshall Collins Drive
Pasquotank County Library
100 East Colonial Avenue
Elizabeth City

The OTSS is an automated system that will be used to schedule observer trips for Estuarine Gill Net Permit (EGNP) holders in North Carolina. The Division has worked with the N.C. Department of Information Technology and volunteer commercial fishermen to develop OTSS. With testing nearing completion, the Division anticipates it will be released to the public in February 2025. Additionally, all EGNP-holders will be mailed an informational packet prior to the outreach meetings.

The Division holds an Endangered Species Act Section 10 Incidental Take Permit (ITP) for the incidental take of five species of sea turtles and two species of sturgeon associated with lawful use of EGNP-permitted gill nets. Per the ITP’s Conservation Plan, the Division must observe 7% to 10% of EGNP-permitted large-mesh gill-net trips and 1% to 2% of EGNP-permitted small-mesh gill-net trips. 

EGNP-holders will be required to use OTSS to report their planned fishing trips by either calling an automated hotline or using an online website. From these reports, fishermen will be randomly chosen to take an observer on their trip, and OTSS will notify all reporting fishermen of their selection status. This process helps the Division streamline the scheduling of observer trips, ensuring smoother management of the Observer Program while supporting compliance with the requirements of the Incidental Take Permit (ITP) and Estuarine Gill Net Permit.

If you cannot attend any of these meetings, contact the Observer Coordinator, Christina Bland, for more information at  Observer.Program@deq.nc.gov 252-515-5625. 

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