TRPA is concerned for the health and safety of community members, our staff, and Governing Board and Advisory Planning Commission members. Amid rapidly evolving circumstances, the agency must consider its obligation to continue work while doing our part to slow the spread of the novel Coronavirus.
TRPA is concerned for the health and safety of community members, our staff, and Governing Board and Advisory Planning Commission members. Amid rapidly evolving circumstances, the agency must consider its obligation to continue work while doing our part to slow the spread of the novel Coronavirus.
In addition to virtual technology being used for internal operations, TRPA will utilize technology to hold the March 25 Governing Board meeting. Any Governing Board member or interested member of the public will be able to participate and observe the meeting remotely without coming to a physical location. In-person attendance will not be a part of TRPA public meetings under the current recommendations from state and local agencies.
Ways to provide input to the TRPA Governing Board:
Prior to the Board Meeting:
- Submit written comments of any length in advance of the meeting. Written comments received by 5:00 pm March 24 will be included as part of the record. Please email comments on the Tahoe South Events Center to Paul Nielsen,
The Day of the Board Meeting (March 25):
- Provide online comments during the meeting through the public comment form available at In accordance with TRPA rules and procedures, public comment will be allowed at specific points during the live meeting. Comments submitted during the meeting will be read into the record by a member of TRPA staff. Individuals will have three minutes (2,500 character maximum) of their comment read aloud into the record. Organizations will have 5 minutes (4,165 characters maximum).
Governing Board and community members will use the platform GoToWebinar. Visit the service provider’s website,, in advance of the meeting to prepare your system to connect to the March 25 meeting (webinar). The link to connect to the meeting as well as the online comment form will be posted on the Meetings and Notices page of the TRPA website the day of the meeting.
TRPA sincerely appreciates the patience and understanding of everyone concerned as we make accommodations to conduct business using best practices to protect public health. The agency values public input as an integral part of its practices and will work to ensure safe and effective options are available at public meetings.
For more information about the Governing Board meeting or TRPA’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, please contact Public Information Officer Jeff Cowen or (530) 308-5539.
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