Over a two-day period, CCT successfully discharged 5,104 bundles, the equivalent of 9,178 metric tons, which is the largest individual vessel of lumber volume received to date. Despite adverse weather conditions and working with multiple single layer bundles, the entire Canaveral Cargo operations team managed to achieve CCT’s highest gross lumber productivity rating of 205.8 bundles or 370 metric tons per hour.
• CCT’s highest gross lumber productivity rating of 205.8 bundles or 370 metric tons an hour.
06 November 2020 – GT USA, the US arm of Gulftainer, a privately owned independent port operator headquartered in the UAE, has welcomed the M/V KARLINO to its Canaveral Cargo Terminal (CCT). The vessel, with its cargo of lumber, is primarily destined to various Florida cities, but also to destinations beyond the State.
Over a two-day period, CCT successfully discharged 5,104 bundles, the equivalent of 9,178 metric tons, which is the largest individual vessel of lumber volume received to date. Despite adverse weather conditions and working with multiple single layer bundles, the entire Canaveral Cargo operations team managed to achieve CCT’s highest gross lumber productivity rating of 205.8 bundles or 370 metric tons per hour.
Charles Menkhorst, CEO of Gulftainer, said: “I’m very proud of the entire Canaveral team: from crane operators, hatch men, dock workers, forklift operators, in fact everyone included in this operation, pulled together to safely discharge the KARLINO’s cargo in record time.”
“It has always been GT USA’s goal to be the most efficient and cost-effective cargo terminal in Florida and this is why we maintain the most competitive rates for all our customers. All of this while keeping CCT’s Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate at zero (0) since our opening in June 2015,” he added.
The US market, including the Central Florida region, has witnessed rising demand for lumber in recent years, driving an upsurge in lumber imports through Port Canaveral.
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