MEDIA ADVISORY: Public invited to comment on Washington Water Supply, Inc. surcharge proposal

LACEY, Wash. — The Utilities and Transportation Commission is holding a virtual public comment hearing to gather input regarding Washington Water Supply, Inc.’s proposed $60 monthly surcharge, which could raise annual revenue by about $30,240. 

Media contact: 360-664-1116 or
Docket number:

Public comment hearing scheduled for Feb. 18

LACEY, Wash. — The Utilities and Transportation Commission is holding a virtual public comment hearing to gather input regarding Washington Water Supply, Inc.’s proposed $60 monthly surcharge, which could raise annual revenue by about $30,240. 


Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 


Virtual public comment hearing 


6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 

Join by Zoom (recommended) or by phone 253-215-8782 and use Meeting ID: 874 9233 3601# and Passcode: 444347#. 

You can also submit public comments: 

  • by telephone at 888-333-9882,  

  • by mail to P.O Box 47250, Olympia, WA 98504-7250 

Translation services are available at no cost to you. If possible, please inform the commission at least one business day before the meeting by calling 360-664-1149, or by emailing

If you need reasonable accommodation to attend the meeting, please contact the UTC at least one business day before the meeting by calling 888-333-9882 or emailing


In July 2024, Washington Water Supply, Inc. filed a tariff revision which included a surcharge of $60 per month for the recovery of purchased water expenses on the Echo Glenn water system located in Maple Valley. There are 42 total customers on this system. The surcharge would generate an additional $30,240 or 40.9% per year. The company’s last rate change was effective Jan. 1, 2001. 

Silverdale-based Washington Water Supply, Inc. serves approximately 140 customers on nine water systems located in Clallam, King, and Kitsap counties. 

The UTC regulates the rates and services of water and natural gas companies, investor-owned electric utilities, telecommunications companies, solid waste collection companies, household-goods movers and passenger transportation companies, commercial ferries, pipeline companies, marine pilotage, and a low-level radioactive waste repository. The commission does not regulate the rates of broadband services, cellular, cable, or Internet service. 

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