Polling Shows Broad Support for Health Care Spending as Incoming Administration Weigh Priorities

Recently published results from the latest KFF Health Tracking Poll show that both Medicare and Medicaid continue to be viewed favorably across party lines, including by majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Half of respondents in the nationally representative survey say the federal government spends “not enough” on Medicare (51%) or Medicaid (46%). In comparison, only 15% say that the government is spending “too much” on these programs. Over 60% of adults hold a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act.

Recently published results from the latest KFF Health Tracking Poll show that both Medicare and Medicaid continue to be viewed favorably across party lines, including by majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Half of respondents in the nationally representative survey say the federal government spends “not enough” on Medicare (51%) or Medicaid (46%). In comparison, only 15% say that the government is spending “too much” on these programs. Over 60% of adults hold a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act.

Public Response to Potential Changes Under New Administration

Public response to potential health changes is decidedly mixed as the new administration and Republican-controlled Congress identify early priorities and potential actions. The survey shows bipartisan support for some proposals, including increasing regulations and oversight through price transparency rules. Other proposals, however, including reducing federal funding to schools that require vaccination, limiting abortion access, and reducing Medicaid funding, had limited support, with less than 1 in 8 people saying these should be “top priorities” and at least 40% say these things “should not be done.” 

Other proposals, however, including reducing federal funding to schools that require vaccination, limiting abortion access, and reducing Medicaid funding, had limited support…

Public Agrees: Increase Health Care Access and Affordability

There is also broad public agreement on bolstering health care access and affordability. More than half of respondents said that more closely regulating the process that insurance companies use when they approve or deny care or prescription drugs should be a “top priority” for the administration and Congress, and expanding the number of prescription drugs that the federal government negotiates the Medicare price on is also ranked as a “top priority” by a majority of the public including two-thirds of Democrats, 54% of independents, 48% of Republicans and three-fourths of people who are currently enrolled in Medicare.

Further Reading

Read more of the survey results here .

Read more about Medicaid financing , waivers , and work requirements .

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