This is a collection of 13 PR ebooks on various topics related to PR and press release writing.
Download this collection of 13 ebooks about PR and press release writing in a single zip file. has added a quick 5 minute guide for anyone new to PR who want to quickly learn about some best practise for writing a good press release.
ebooks included in this collection can be classified into following categories.
1. ebooks for writing effective press release for succesful PR campaign.
2. ebooks for press release distribution techniques to traditional media outlets.
3. ebook collection of press release samples. These press release collection samples provides many different ideas for writing press release.
4. ebooks about using new tecnologies for social media PR and search engine optimized press release.
(A). How to write an Effective news release (11 Pages).
This is a simple 11 page ebook that one can quickly read to learn the basics of writing effective press release. Recommended by us.
(B). Writing effective press release. ( 54 Pages)
This ebook is one of the most extensive well written PR guide for writing and distributing press release. This PR guide is so extensive and elaborate that it extends to 54 pages. It even includes a mini media directory with telephone numbers and fax numbers. You must definitely read this ebook if you have time.
(C)Basics of Style to accompany Public Relations Writing(18 Pages)
This is a unique ebook guide. Thomas H Bivins from university of oregan gives a primer on grammar and style to be followed in press release writing.
(D) Do-It-Yourself press releases(15 Pages).
Yet another do it yourself press release guide.
(E) PR Basics (Public Relations Basics) (27 Pages)
This ebook is actually a slideshow in PDF format explaining the basic aspects of press release writing.
(F) Press Release 101 (13 Pages).
This ebook explains proper press release formatting and distribution with a set of sample press releases.
(G) The BIG Press Release Book - Press Releases for Every Occasion and Industry (161 Pages).
This is a grand collection of some 75 press release samples, each one representing different industry and category.
(H) Writing Great Online News Releases (19 Pages)
Standard press release writing and formating tips fine tuned for best results online. Offers tips specific to online press release like search engine optimisation and keyword selection.
(I) Unlocking Social Media for Public Relations (63 Pages).
This lengthy ebook offers uselful insights about PR in the age of social media sites like facebook, quora, pinterest, twitter and linkedin.
(J) Emerging Technologies and Tactics in Public Relations (27 Pages)
A guide that you must read if you want to become a pro in social media PR. It gives thought provoking analysis, insights and overview of social media PR.
(K) Press Release as Lead Generators(10 Pages).
"The humble press release is working much harder these days. Once a vehicle for announcing news to editors, the press release is increasingly being used to influence outcomes and even to generate qualified leads directly from a target audience in the age of social media and search engine optimization."
(L) Press Releases Designed for Effect(15 pages)
Talks about death of traditional press release and birth of social release. Good read if you want to get new ideas for unique and branded press release targetted for consumption of online audience.
(M) Public Relations Pitfalls (12 Pages)
Helps you avoid 16 frequent mistakes in PR release. Classifies them into social media pitfalls, online PR pitfalls and media outreach pitfalls.