Solar flare Press Release

Post date Title Picture
Tue, 01/14/2025 - 18:49 Scientists Make First-Ever Detection of Mid-IR Flares in Sgr A*
Center for Astrophysics's picture
Center for Astr...
Tue, 08/06/2024 - 10:27 UH astronomers uncover risks to planets that could host life
University of Hawaii System's picture
University of H...
Wed, 02/28/2024 - 08:30 Solar flares: U-M experts highlight gaps preventing accurate predictions of impacts around Earth
University of Michigan's picture
University of M...
Tue, 09/13/2022 - 14:06 Where do High-Energy Particles That Endanger Satellites, Astronauts and Airplanes Come From?
ColumbiaUniversity's picture
Wed, 08/04/2021 - 23:13 Superflares may be less harmful to exoplanets than previously thought, study shows
UniversityOfWashington's picture
Fri, 07/09/2021 - 13:04 Watching the Milky Ways Supermassive Black Hole Feed
Center for Astrophysics's picture
Center for Astr...
Mon, 06/07/2021 - 07:35 New Research Suggests Jets and Coronal Mass Ejections May be the Beginning and End of a Solar Eruption Continuum
USRA's picture
Thu, 06/03/2021 - 01:45 Northrop Grumman Continues Illuminating the Battlefield for US Army
Northrop Grumman's picture
Northrop Grumman
Sat, 05/01/2021 - 00:03 A Bright Flare from the Star Proxima Centauri
Center for Astrophysics's picture
Center for Astr...
Wed, 04/21/2021 - 10:39 Record-breaking stellar flare from nearby star recorded in multiple wavelengths for the first time
NRAO's picture
Sun, 08/09/2020 - 00:54 Global magnetic field of the solar corona measured for the first time
Northumbria University's picture
Northumbria Uni...
Thu, 01/30/2020 - 07:59 The Sun as weve never seen it before: clearest and most detailed images yet of the Sun revealed
Northumbria University's picture
Northumbria Uni...
Wed, 01/29/2020 - 15:04 First-of-their-kind images of the Sun from new Haleakala telescope
University of Hawaii System's picture
University of H...
Mon, 01/13/2020 - 00:35 Beyond Earths atmosphere are swirling clouds of energized particles ions and electrons that emanate from the sun. This solar wind buffets the magnetosphere, the magnetic force field that surrounds Earth.
UCLA's picture
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 20:44 New! Sapphire 2020 Now Available
Boris FX's picture
Boris FX
Mon, 11/18/2019 - 22:15 New global aviation space weather network launched
ICAO's picture
Wed, 08/28/2019 - 09:11 Mastering Virtual Sets Part 2: Customizing Sets in Virtual Set Editor
Newtek's picture
Wed, 07/03/2019 - 01:47 Details of UK-led solar science mission revealed at National Astronomy Meeting
Northumbria University's picture
Northumbria Uni...
Tue, 04/02/2019 - 07:12 Students revolutionary solar telescope selected for launch with NASA
SheffieldUniv's picture
Sun, 08/12/2018 - 04:58 NASA Parker Solar Probe, named after UChicago scientist, begins historic mission
University of Chicago's picture
University of C...
Mon, 08/06/2018 - 01:02 Space probe to plunge into fiery corona of the sun
University of Berkeley's picture
University of B...
Mon, 07/30/2018 - 00:41 Solar flares disrupted radio communications during September 2017 Atlantic hurricane relief effort
American Geophysical Union's picture
American Geophy...
Tue, 05/15/2018 - 07:54 2018 Triennial Earth-Sun Summit: Onsite information; Potentially newsworthy presentations
American Geophysical Union's picture
American Geophy...
Fri, 03/16/2018 - 11:18 DNREC issues Conciliation Order by Consent to Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals, LP addressing alleged air pollution violations
Delaware State Government's picture
Delaware State ...
Mon, 02/26/2018 - 09:18 Powerful Flare from Star Proxima Centauri Detected with ALMA
NRAO's picture