TrellisWare’s TSP 1.1.0 version software continues to expand the TrellisWare ecosystem by delivering unparalleled frequency spectrum support. The updated software provides new features, an improved user experience, the addition of new analog waveforms, and faster waveform switching times.
San Diego, CA – December 10, 2024 – TrellisWare Technologies, Inc. announced today the release of the latest software enhancements to its family of Software Defined Radios (SDRs). TrellisWare’s TSP 1.1.0 version software continues to expand the TrellisWare ecosystem by delivering unparalleled frequency spectrum support. The updated software provides new features, an improved user experience, the addition of new analog waveforms, and faster waveform switching times.
TrellisWare’s latest software release, TSP 1.1.0, provides the following new features and improvements:
- Narrowband Line-of-Site (NB LOS) Waveform – A new waveform that interoperates with most analog AM/FM radios currently in service. Combined with improved multi-waveform support, NB LOS allows TrellisWare radios to seamlessly switch between industry-leading Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) waveforms and standard AM/FM analog operation.
- Katana™ Radio Network Situational Awareness (RNSA) – Improved Katana user experience for all TrellisWare radios in TrellisWare Network Controller (TNC), Team Awareness Kit (TAK), and Human Machine Interface (HMI).
- TSM ® Low Latency – A new TSM feature that allows data to be sent across a TSM network with very low latency and jitter.
- Multinet Bridge (MNB) Crypto Support – The updated MNB feature now supports forwarding encrypted Type 1 voice, data, and Position Location Information (PLI) traffic between TSM networks.
- TrellisWare Management Tool (TMT) 2.0.1 – Improved multi-waveform support by shifting to a modular system tailored to end-user needs.
- Wi-Fi client support – TrellisWare radios that support Wi-Fi can now connect to 2.4 or 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks .
- Human Machine Interface (HMI) updates – The home screen and menu on the TW Shadow™ 950 and TW Shadow™ 135 radios have been updated to provide a better and more intuitive user experience.
“TrellisWare continues to offer industry-leading MANET capability in both our wideband TSM and narrowband Katana waveforms. With the addition of NB LOS waveform support, our radios are now interoperable with a wide range of commercial, public safety, and tactical radios using legacy analog AM/FM communications,” said Marcus Urie, senior director of product management. “TrellisWare’s latest software also incorporates an improved user experience, new low latency support for TSM, and additional radio and network awareness features for Katana similar to TSM features already available in TNC.”
April Kom, senior product manager, added, “TrellisWare continues to develop enhancements to our software enabling our radios to do more with multiple waveforms. With the latest updates your entire tactical PACE plan is now in one software package.”
TrellisWare’s latest software with multi-waveform support, version TSP 1.1.0, is available now on the TrellisWare Customer Support Site (registration required). To find out more and request a demo, please contact .
About TrellisWare Technologies, Inc.
TrellisWare Technologies is a global leader in highly advanced algorithms, waveforms, and communications systems that range from small form factor radio products to fully integrated solutions. The TrellisWare ® TSM ® and Katana™ waveforms are incorporated into a wide range of systems, including TrellisWare radios and trusted industry partner radios, as well as multiple government and commercial solutions. Join us in the Trellis//Sphere ® and see what we can accomplish together! For more information on TrellisWare’s products and solutions, please visit .
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