TRPA Governing Board Welcomes New Members, Agency Receives Governors Commendations

Lake Tahoe, NV/CA — The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Governing Board on Wednesday seated its new chair and vice-chair, welcomed new Governing Board members, and received commendations from the governors of both Nevada and California, the agency said today.  The board elected Nevada governor’s appointee Mark Bruce as chairperson and Placer County Supervisor Cindy Gustafson as vice-chair.

Lake Tahoe, NV/CA — The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Governing Board on Wednesday seated its new chair and vice-chair, welcomed new Governing Board members, and received commendations from the governors of both Nevada and California, the agency said today.  The board elected Nevada governor’s appointee Mark Bruce as chairperson and Placer County Supervisor Cindy Gustafson as vice-chair.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be in this role during a time of positive momentum and strong partnerships in the Tahoe Basin,” TRPA Board Chair Mark Bruce said. “There are challenges ahead, especially in transportation, recreation, and climate change impacts. Fortunately, we are well equipped to meet those challenges and achieve our strategic goals by working collaboratively.”

The TRPA chair position traditionally rotates biennially between California and Nevada board members. California Senate Rules Committee appointee William “Bill” Yeates served as board chair through 2019 and 2020 and will continue to serve on the board and as chair of the Regional Plan Implementation Committee.

New Governing Board members also took their seats at Wednesday’s meeting, some following successful public election bids in November. John Friedrich took his seat as the City of South Lake Tahoe Council appointee after winning election to City Council last fall. He replaces Councilmember Brooke Laine who did not run for reelection. Incoming Washoe County Supervisor Alexis Hill replaces outgoing supervisor Marsha Berkbigler following that election. Hayley Williamson joined the board as the Nevada At-Large appointee, replacing Tim Cashman, who retired.

The TRPA Governing board is comprised of 15 members, with 7 voting members from each state. Six members are locally elected appointees representing the City of South Lake Tahoe, Placer County, El Dorado County, Washoe County, Douglas County, and Carson City. The board’s 15th member is a non-voting appointee of the President of the United States. The full list of board members is at .

TRPA Receives Governors’ Commendations for 50 th Anniversary

Also at Wednesday’s Governing Board meeting, the agency received special commendations from Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak and California Governor Gavin Newsom in recognition of the 50 th anniversary of the bi-state compact and the unique role of the agency as protector of the Lake Tahoe watershed, according to TRPA.

The unique legislation creating TRPA ushered in an era of collaboration and shared stewardship among all sectors that has protected Lake Tahoe for more than five decades, the commendations state.

“TRPA deeply appreciates these commendations from California and Nevada and the continued commitment of the states to the protection of Lake Tahoe,” TRPA Executive Director Joanne S. Marchetta said. “As we continue to address past harms and confront new and emerging threats to this ecosystem, our bonds of stewardship must remain strong.”

The commendations—a proclamation from Nevada and a letter of commendation from California—mirror praise for the landmark public policy achievement that formed the nation’s first bi-state, regional planning agency, which for 50 years has led the way in landscape-scale conservation and restoration initiatives. The pronouncements also emphasize the importance of Lake Tahoe to the residents of each state and the nation.

50th Anniversary Letter CA Newsom

50th Anniversary Tahoe Regional Planning Agency- Proc

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency leads the cooperative effort to preserve, restore, and enhance the unique natural and human environment of the Lake Tahoe Region, while improving local communities, and people’s interactions with our irreplaceable environment. For additional information, contact Jeff Cowen, TRPA Public Information Officer, at 775-589-5278.

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