TSI expert Simon Tebb will be speaking at 2021 Airlo...

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2021 Airlocked Cleanroom Conference

Hear TSI expert Simon Tebb speak at 2021 Airlocked Cleanroom Conference about "Real-time Microbiological Particle Counts in Cleanrooms: Airborne Viable and on Surfaces".

Particle counters ensure accurate measurements and easy reporting in cleanrooms of every classification level . In both periodic and continuous monitoring, they are an instrument for helping to meet strict requirements of different industries. Another advantage is that they aid in simplifying control.

Real-time particle counters use patented fluorescence detection technology to check cleanrooms for viable particles and other potential contaminants. Because the health risk for patients due to contaminated products is central, it is crucial that the monitoring instruments and software implemented generate reliable, timely results with demonstrable data integrity .

About the Presenter

Simon Tebb has worked at TSI for over 14 years specializing in applications of particle measurement instrumentation in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. TSI is a US-based industry leader in the design and manufacture of precision particle measurement instruments. Simon studied Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Prior to TSI, he worked in the Automotive Industry in Production Engineering.

About the Conference

This conference is all about cleanrooms—focusing on trends and applicable knowledge, information market networking with the sector. Keynotes and break-out sessions will cover highly relevant topics such as new measurement methods, quality risk management and virtual reality. Various companies will have the opportunity to present their products related to cleanrooms on the extensive information market. The conference will conclude with a networking opportunity with important names from the sector.

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