The Australia Institute ( The Australia Institute)

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About The Australia Institute

The Australia Institute is the country’s most influential progressive think tank. Based in Canberra, it conducts research on a broad range of economic, social and environmental issues in order to inform public debate and bring greater accountability to the democratic process. The Institute is funded by donations from philanthropic trusts and individuals, and commissioned research. With no formal political or commercial ties, the Institute is in a position to maintain its independence while advancing a vision for a fair and progressive Australia.

The Australia Institute press release, blog etc

Fri, 12/16/2022 - 00:01 Abolition of AAT a Welcome Step Towards Integrity
Tue, 12/13/2022 - 20:30 100+ Economists, Tax Experts Call for Stage 3 Overhaul in Full-Page Adverts
Sun, 12/11/2022 - 20:34 Climate Change Authority Conflicted, Out of Step With Public Opinion
Thu, 12/01/2022 - 02:11 Passage of Territory Rights Bill Welcome
Sun, 11/27/2022 - 19:33 Deal on IR Reforms Sets Stage for Faster Wage Growth
Mon, 11/14/2022 - 13:41 Australia Remains in Bottom 10 on Global Climate List, Despite Improvements
Thu, 11/10/2022 - 23:23 Major Red Flags: Reforms Needed to Stop Politician Pork-Barrelling
Thu, 11/03/2022 - 20:20 9 in 10 Believe Its Governments Job to Ensure Wages Keep Up with Cost of Living: Research Polling
Wed, 11/02/2022 - 20:53 Climate Concern at Record High amid Floods: Largest Tracking Research on Climate in Australia
Tue, 10/25/2022 - 04:57 Bread & Butter Budget Defers Meat & Potatoes Revenue Reform to May 23
Mon, 10/24/2022 - 21:53 Fixing Broken PRRT Loopholes Would Raise Budget Billions: Research
Mon, 10/24/2022 - 05:01 Majority Agree with Banning Fossil Fuel Sponsorship in Sport: Research Polling
Sun, 10/23/2022 - 15:58 The Reserve Bank needs to acknowledge the failures of the inflation target
Mon, 10/17/2022 - 23:25 Chubb Carbon Offsets Inquiry Conflicted, Too Late & Missing the Point
Mon, 10/17/2022 - 22:54 NACC Exceptional Circumstances Restriction Should be Lifted: Retired Judges
Mon, 10/10/2022 - 05:30 Gen Z Receive Only 2.8% of Cooked Stage 3 Tax Cuts in First Year: Research
Sun, 10/02/2022 - 07:54 Responsible Economic Management Trumps Broken Election Promise: Stage 3 Tax Cuts Research
Sat, 10/01/2022 - 02:32 Climate Safeguards Mechanism Risks Safeguarding New Gas & Coal: Submission